2012年3月27日 星期二

擴展你的直覺Expand Your Intuition(SpiritVoyage全球冥想40天)


Mantra:Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar,又稱:Magic Mantra 或 Siri Mantra,意思是:所有的天地萬物都來自造物者,所有的事物都是造物者的祝福,這樣的領會來自Guru的恩典。

Indra Nittri Meditation
  • Tune in:唱誦 3 次 Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo,且一定要再唱 3 次 Ad Guray Namay, Jugad Guray Namay, Sat Guray Namay, Siri Guru Devay Namay。
  • 坐姿:輕鬆坐姿,雙手放在膝蓋上,手掌、手指包住膝蓋。手臂伸很直、胸部微微往上抬打開心輪,肩膀放鬆,延伸脊椎,下巴微微內收,讓脊椎在順位上完全地成一直線。
  • 專注:在眉心間第三眼的位置,眼睛可完全閉上或十分之一開。唱誦同時也專注在舌頭的移動。
  • 唱誦:用穩定的節奏正確地唱誦,唱誦時丹田及橫隔膜律動如下:

    1. Ek Ong Kar:Ek(往脊椎方向內收丹田) Ong(保持丹田內縮姿勢) Kar(放鬆丹田) 
    2. Sat Gur Prasad:Sat(丹田往內往上收縮,同時橫膈膜也往上抬起) Gur(保持丹田、橫膈膜往內往上姿勢) Prasad(放鬆丹田及橫膈膜)
    3. Sat Gur Prasad:同2。
    4. Ek Ong Kar:同1。

  • 時間:3分鐘練習開始,逐漸增加到22分鐘。最長到62分鐘。
  • 結束時:深吸氣,舒適地止息15秒,吐氣放鬆。
  • 日期:3/27 - 5/5。

  • 這是Guru Nanak教給他兒子Baba Siri Chand的Mantra,這個Mantra包含了Siri Guru Granth Sahib的本質,並將能量留在心中,它被認為是最強大的Mantra。
  • Yogi Bhajan說,此為“Eyes of Indra”的Mantra,他說,身體就是一個寺廟,有無限的經驗 - 包括所有的知識和祝福流過你。
  • 由於Mantra的偉大力量,Yogi Bhajan建議先唱誦 Mul Mantra 或 Ad Guray Namay, Jugad Guray Namay, Sat Guray Namay, Siri Guru Devay Namay,把自己置於一個神聖的空間。並且必須以神聖的方式唱頌這個Mantra。
  • 唱完後不能做什麼或說什麼負面的話,否則其影響將非常沉重。



Indra Nittri Meditation as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

Mantra:Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar
Posture:Sit with the legs crossed in Easy Pose. Grasp the knees firmly, keeping the elbows straight and the chest lightly lifted. The chin is pulled in gently, to align the skull with the rest of the spine. The eyes are closed or 1/10th open.
Practice:Chant the mantra in a steady rythm, meditating through the brow point and concentrating on the movements of the tongue. On "Ek", pull in the Navel Point. On "Kar", release it. On "Sat Gur", pull in the entire abdominal region, especially the diaphragm, lifting everything up toward the ribs and back toward the spine. On "Prasad", release it. Continue this contraction and release with each repetition of these specific words. The mantra amplifies your projection, so it is important to chant it with a sacred intention in a sacred space. This meditation deepens the intutive capacity, bringing about a state of blissful knowingness.
Time:Begin with a 3-minute practice, gradually increasing to 22 minutes. The maximum length of the Indra Nittri meditation is 62 minutes.
To End:Inhale, hold the breath comfortably, exhale. Relax.


Complete Mantra:

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar
Language:Gurmukhi - Author: Guru Nanak, the first Guru of the Sikhs
Translation:There is one Creator of all Creation.  All is a blessing of the One Creator.  This realization comes through Guru's Grace.
More Information:Guru Nanak taught this mantra to his son, Baba Siri Chand. The mantra is said to contain the essence of the entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib and brings its energy to reside in the heart. It is believed to be the most powerful mantra. Yogi Bhajan referred to this mantra as the "Eyes of Indra", saying that the body is a temple through which one experiences the Infinite--all knowledge and bliss flow through you.

Because of the mantra's great power Yogi Bhajan recommended first chanting either the Mul Mantra or Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh, to put you into a sacred space. It must be chanted in a sacred way. And afterwards you must not do or say anything negative or the repercussions will be very heavy.

The mantra takes thought and reverses it to come out positive. A thought rides into your consciousness to be processed with "Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad," and comes out pure with, "Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar."

